IPL - Patients ask, Dr. Ringpfeil answers
Please feel free to use the blog below to share information about IPL or to ask Dr. Franziska Ringpfeil a question that might be of interest to others.
A range of non-laser light sources are used to target red and brown discoloration of the skin and to deliver heat into the skin at negligible downtime. Collagen production is minor.
Highly variable degrees of diminished facial, neck and chest redness, reduction of brown spots (sun spots), and firmer skin.
Daily use of sunscreen.
Daily use of sunscreen. Your normal skin care regimen can be resumed the night of the treatment.
4-8 treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart.
Several months to a year.
Recent tan, skin types that never burn (including Mediterranean and Asian skin), isotretinoin (Accutane) in the past 6 months, history of phenol peel.
Sunburn-like redness for less than 24 hours
Hello Dr. Franziska Ringpfeil,
I have a severe case of hyperpigmentation on my face around my eyes and mouth and it continues to spread rapidly. I have been to a dermatologist where I received skin graphs and blood test, and told to purchase all types of creams however, none has be successful with clearing up the hyperpigmentation. I have also purchased over the counter products none has worked. Please help. I am limited to surgery because of the cost, however I am willing to try just about anything to clear my face even a bleacher. I would aslo like to know if your office offers free consulation. I would appreciate any suggestions or recommendations…PLEASE HELP. Thank you!
I am challenged to answer your question without knowledge of your diagnosis, which was made when you saw your dermatologist. Rapidly spreading pigmentation is best address by a medical consultation, which incurs a fee in our office. Only cosmetic consultations by our aestheticians are complimentary.