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# of surveys: 4187
Last updated: 1/02/2024 11:10 AM
I like the conscientious of the team. They seem to care and are capable.
#12011-10-27 14:37:41thoroughness of staff
#22024-05-13It's great that you're using electronic means to capture patient information. Everyone is very friendly and competent and the doctor was wonderful to talk to.
#32024-10-12on a very short notice was able to squeeze in an appointment for my daughter...thank you
#42024-04-09The ambiance, staff and physician
#52024-08-28Everyone was friendly, office was nice and bright, bathrooom was clean.
#62024-05-07I am very self conscious about my acne but everyone made me feel very comfortable!
#72024-08-29the doctor and assistant were very nice and the doctor very inormative and clear
#82024-04-05Everything was explained to me in detail; the doctor especially was very thorough both during and after her examination.
#92024-08-20The doctor was very nice!
#102024-10-20If it's not broke don't fix it...everything was handled very well
#12024-01-24not sure yet
#22024-10-26I am a little annoyed that I called to say I was on my way and I was told that I may not get here in time and will probably have to reschedule. Then when I got here, I filled out the paperwork then had to wait 20 minutes to be seen. It would be nice to know the receptionist's name so I know who I am calling when I have questions. It would be nice to have WiFi available during the wait.
#32011-06-22 17:06:20I actually appreciated and was so very happy with all aspects of my visit.
#42024-03-22no complaints. everything was fine.
#52024-06-09service wonderful!
#62011-01-03 11:45:01don't change a thing, you guys are the best! Please send me Real Estate Referrals, thanks
#72010-09-30 09:51:55keep on what you are doing because you are doing a good job
#82024-05-23wouldnt change nothing
#92024-10-25More appointment availability either early or later (before or after the normal 9-5 workday)
#102010-08-23 16:22:28