dermaplaning - Patients ask, Dr. Ringpfeil answers
Please feel free to use the blog below to share information about dermaplaning or to ask Dr. Franziska Ringpfeil a question that might be of interest to others.
Dermaplaning is an advanced method of mechanical exfoliation, which helps to remove the top layer of dead skin cells through a controlled scraping.
The actual process involves using a #10 surgical scalpel and #3 surgical blade handle to take off the epithelial tissue of the stratum corneum, with no pain or downtime. This treatment effectively stimulates and rejuvenates the skin tissue, as well as removes fine facial hair that can trap excess dirt and oil, making the skin feel smooth and looking brighter. The hair will grow back over time but will not be courser as many believe. Dermaplaning refines the skin, allowing for better absorption of topical ingredients.
At Ringpfeil Advanced Dermatology, we often use Dermaplaning as a stand-alone treatment, or to "boost" some of our most common treatments, such as chemical peels. The treatment costs $130.
Dermaplaning can be used to treat a multitude of skin imperfections and can be used on most skin types safely and effectively. An ideal candidate is anyone with pigmentation irregularities, or dull, clogged skin. It may be preferred by some patients who are not candidates for chemical exfoliation or microdermabrasion as well as ethnic skin because it is less likely to produce extreme changes and contrast in skin color.
Dermaplaning is an effective procedure in particular for women over 35 years old whose skin has lost some of the hydration capability they used to have in younger age. Performing this treatment on men is not recommended due to the histology of their facial hair. We recommend that Dermaplaning only be done by a trained professional as an in-office procedure. The standard interval for a Dermaplaning treatment is once a month for 3-4 months, and as needed thereafter.
Dermaplaning has been featured on several media outlets, such as Real Housewives of NYC and The Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda.
I was interested in the dermaplaning. What are your prices?
Current fee for facial dermaplaning is $130.
I have developed milia around my eyes and was wondering if insurance covered it? I worked with you at Jefferson and Temple and always loved you positive vibe and work! I am glad I searched and found you
Milium removal around the eyes is covered by some insurances. Most insurnances do not cover their removal. The ones on the upper and lower lids often resolve on their own within 6 months. Those that do not, are taken out by our dermatologist. If milia are located on the face, they are taken out by our aestheticians.