Dermatosis - Patients ask, Dr. Ringpfeil answers
Please feel free to use the blog below to share information about Dermatosis or to ask Dr. Franziska Ringpfeil a question that might be of interest to others.
Dermatitis Papulosa Nigra are benign dark brown or black papules found on the cheeks of dark-skinned individuals. They may also develop on the eyelids and neck. They are a form of seborrheic keratosis. It is often inherited.
The diagnosis of dermatosis papulosa nigra can be confirmed clinically by the appearance of multiple small brown soft papules on the cheeks. A biopsy is usually not required. Having family members with similar lesions further supports the diagnosis.
Skin lesions caused by dermatosis papulosa nigra are benign and do not require treatment. A curettage (scraping) is possible if you want to get rid of the lesions for cosmetic reasons. The removal process can be accelerated with topical retinoid treatment. Following the procedure, white spots and scabbing may develop; however, they usually disappear after 14 days. Insurance does not cover the removal of these benign lesions. It is important to understand that removing existing lesions does not guarantee the absence of new lesions.
It is common for patients seeking consultation for these lesions to be reassured once it is discovered that they are benign.
There is no known way to prevent dermatosis papulosa nigra lesions, as there is a hereditary predisposition for them to form.
To remove the lesions (papulosa nigra) from my face is it very expensive?
The fee ranges between $120 and $400 depending the number of spots and whether they can be removed by “scissor snip” or need curettage. Pretreatment with a retinoid and post treatment with a fading cream is recommended when the spots require curettage. The fee for these prescription medicines is in addition to the removal fee.
I really want to get this resolved
Please make an appointment with one of our dermatologists for evaluation. During this consultation you will learn about the method that is best for you and you at time you will be a schedule a time for the procedure with the associated downtime in mind. Each spot has to be treated individually and several options are available. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and is not painful. On occasion, pre-treatment with a fading cream is needed to avoid temporary post-procedure darkening.
What procedures do you use for DPN? Laser, hyfrecator?
We predominantly use hyfrecator, curettage and scissor snip. Although we have it on the premises, we rarely use laser. The laser has often no advantages over the more precise former techniques.
I have DPN on my face and neck and want to get it removed.
I am in NJ and want to come for much time it will take for the process ?
Is it possible to get primary consultation on video conferencing?
DPN removal is a popular treatment in our office. Consultation must precede the procedure so that we know what type of pre-treatment you require. Online consultation with high resolution photographs is possible in place of in-office consultation when you live in Pennsylvania or when you have traveled to Pennsylvania. It will be possible to answer how long it will take to remove your DPN after evaluation as it depends on the number of growths. Each is treated individually.