Microdermabrasion - Patients ask, Dr. Ringpfeil answers
Please feel free to use the blog below to share information about Microdermabrasion or to ask Dr. Franziska Ringpfeil a question that might be of interest to others.
Overview: Microcrystals are sprayed against the skin to encourage exfoliation and increase blood flow. Suction of the loosened skin particles stimulates some collagen production.
Expected results: Rejuvenation, even skin pigmentation and skin tone, melasma treatment, diminished acne activity, reduction of fine lines and shallow scars.
Preparation: The effects of microdermabrasion can be potentiated by starting sunscreens, a topical retinoid and if indicated, a hydroquinone-containing skin fading product, as part of a rigorous skin care regimen 1-2 months prior to your first treatment. The night before your treatment, any retinoid must be stopped and can be resumed the night after.
Post treatment instructions: The day of the treatment, apply a gentle moisturizer (with sunscreen if sun-exposed area was treated) to the treated area several times; resume your daily skin care regimen the day after the treatment.
Time to desired results: Smooth texture of the skin is noted the day after your first microdermabrasion but full effects are most obvious after a series of 3-6 treatments, spaced 3-4 weeks apart.
Duration of desired effects: Months to 2 years.
Contraindications: History of phenol peel, isotretinoin (Accutane) in the past 6 months, sunburn, recent tan.
Downtime: Mild redness for up to 24 hours (you should be able to return to work immediately).
hi Dr Ringpfeil i want to know if i can do any thing about my excessive skin oilyliness
Temporary relief can be achieved with blotting agents that typically are in visible and are applied 1-3 times daily. Photodynamic therapy can be used to reduce oil gland activity with long lasting results.
I have acne scars on my back. The scars are old and I wanted to know what type of treatment you would recommend that would at least lighten the scars a great deal. I’ve been using Melquin HP cream, but I want something that will give me quicker results.
Thank You
Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation is not easy to tackle. The quickest treatment is a Melanage peel. On the back, a single treatment will reduce the pigment by 70-80%. Topical hydroquinone (Melquin HP) treatment as you are currently using, can also be augmented by combining it with microdermabrasion treatments every 2 weeks and glycolic acid peels every 4 weeks. The latter is slower than Melanage but faster than hydroquinone alone.
Hi Dr. Ringpfeil,
I have noticed a series of fine lines on my upper lip. I was wondering if microdermabrasion would be a good option and possibly keep them from getting worse.
Fine line on the upper lip can be minimized with CO2 or erbium laser (Pixel, FRAXEL) resurfacing and botulinum toxin injection. They can be blunted by filler placement and improve with a series of picosure focus lens treatments or peels containing very low percentage TCA and some lactic acid. Very fine lines will improve with daily use use peptide treatment (e.g. Bioserum by Neocutis). Temporary collagen production can be achieved with microdermabrasion and heat emitting lasers such as the pulsed dye laser and Nd:YAG laser. The latter are not commonly used for this purpose but can work in someone who is not a candidate for the aforementioned.
I have 3 small piercing holes on my lower lip would microdermabrasion help seal the holes over?
Microdermabrasion improves the texture for the skin but is unable to seal piercing holes. Are they in a location where a tiny excision is an option?
Hi I was wondering of the the microdermabrasion would help with my oil skin? Also do you have prices for the procedure?
Microdermabrasion helps to temporarily reduce oily skin. Price per treatment is $150 for the face. Our price list is also available on the website.
I am being treated there for my acne! What can I do make my pores smaller?
Pore reduction is an extremely difficult quest. Once pores have widened, they cannot completely tighten. Daily application of glycolic acid 15% or higher or periodic glycloic acid peels can shrink pores by about 30%. The same reduction but with lasting effects can be achieved after photodynamic therapy treatments or a single fractionated CO2 laser treatment that aims at the deep tissues (DeepFX).
Is there any treatment to fade old self harm scars on forearm? If so, what are my options?
Pulsed dye laser treatment are appropriate if these scars are red. Textural improvement might be possible with fractionated radiofrequency (Infini) or fractionated CO2 laser treatment. Please schedule a consultation with one of our dermatologists to learn about your options.
Hi, I have indented scars on my cheeks due to acne and I also have texture what types of treatments can I do to completely rid myself of these types of scars
At this time,there is unfortunately no treatment to rid yourself completely of these scars. Treatments such as Infini, fractionated CO2 laser or pixel can help improve scars and texture. Please set up a consultation with one of our dermatologists if you would like to learn what options might help you.
I received a microdermabrasion treatment a week ago for treatment of comedonal acne and have had a significant worsening of my acne. My whole face is covered in comedonal acne and small whiteheads. Is this a normal side effect of microdermabrasion and should I continue getting it or should I stop and try something else?
This sounds unusual and I would encourage you to return to the practice where you had the treatment to be evaluated.
I have some folliculitis on my upper chest and neck and am being treated with oral and topical antibiotics, but I was wondering if microdermabrasion might help the condition go away faster. Thanks.
Microdermabrasion is not recommended with folliculitis. A gentle exfoliant such as a glycolic acid containning moisturizer (e.g. Aquaglycolic body lotion) might speed up the process.