Skin Tags - Patients ask, Dr. Ringpfeil answers
Please feel free to use the blog below to share information about Skin Tags or to ask Dr. Franziska Ringpfeil a question that might be of interest to others.
Written by Dr. Ringpfeil
Treatments: surgical removal.
Often located in areas of increased friction, these skin-colored or brown outgrowths of skin can easily be removed. For the daring, a single growth can be dealt with using grandmother's recipe of tying of a string around it until it turns dark (the next or second next day), followed by liberal application of an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment. If you are not brave, or if there are many growths, they can be snipped off in the office.
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Please feel free to use the blog below to share information about Skin Tags or to ask Dr. Franziska Ringpfeil a question that might be of interest to others.
# of surveys: 4187
Last updated: 1/02/2024 11:10 AM
I especially liked the friendliness of the staff and doctor. Also, this office is beautiful. I've never seen a doctor's office that compares with this one.
#22025-01-17I particularly like the assertiveness that the office provided. Being in and out is a best for me.
#32025-03-02nope. i've been to a lot of dermas and i never felt so positive, hopeful. thank you!!!
#42024-10-19Dr. Ringpfeil is wonderful. I must say i've visited various dermatologist in the past and this is the first doctor that has touched my face. Very important to me so that was big believe it or not. Also very easy to talk to and you dont feel rushed.She explains well. i'm very satisfied with my visit.
#52025-03-02The staff was very friendly, helpful and professional. The doctor herself is a pro, I was very impressed and will definitely recommend her to others, especially of my race. Its very hard to find a good dermatologist and I believe she is wonderful and really knows what she's doing. I am glad that I came here, thank you.
#62011-11-10 12:40:32The waiting room was very pretty
#72024-08-19I definitely liked Dr. Ringpfeil since she was thorough and attentive to my questions.
#82024-05-12the staff is terrific....
#92024-10-11Attention to detail on part of doctor and assistant
#102024-12-05Can't think of anything right now.
#12010-10-21 15:50:32Hard to say, this was a short visit and the service and treatment, as far as I can tell, were excellent
#22024-05-22There is nothing I can even think of! Wonderful Staff!!
#32011-09-09 15:04:20It was good
#42024-09-23music mix
#52024-09-14More convenient office hours for those who work during the day. Perhaps one evening?
#62011-03-16 11:16:24it was a little warm in the waiting area
#72024-12-20Nicer chairs in office
#82011-01-24 14:33:36Cookies and Milk! Seriously, I love coming in and being seen promptly. More importantly, I like the fact that the doctor was not distracted and there was not a single interruption.
#92024-12-21I do not believe there is a need to improve.
#102010-11-01 14:00:26
I have swirls of skin tags, hundreds of them, on my back and sides. Is there a way to remove these EN MASSE without having to freeze each one individually?
Skin tags can only be removed individually. They can be snipped off, cauterized or frozen in a physician’s office. At home remedies include tying them off. There is an over the counter product available on-line that claims it can take tags off. I have no personal experience with this product and do not know about its efficacy or side effects.
Thanks for your response. Upon further investigation, however, I have come to believe that these “skin tags” are really keretosis. Can these be removed with a glycolic acid peel?
Also seborrheic keratosis can only be removed individually.
How is seborrheic keratosis removed?
I have many skin tags. Are they usually removed all at once?
Are these procedures covered by insurance?
Seborrheic keratoses can be permanently removed for cosmetic reasons by a shave technique using a blade, currette or electrocautery, which does not leave a scar. If a seborrheic keratosis is irritated, it is often treated by liquid nitrogen, which flattens it but may leave a flat seborrheic keratosis behind. The removal of a visibly irritated seborrheic keratosis is submitted to insurance, the non-irriated lesion removal is elective.
Skin tags can be removed easily by scissor snip or electrocautery. After consultation we will know how many you would like to remove, and we will schedule procedure time accordingly. Most insurances do not consider skin tag removal a medically necessary procedure except if a skin tag is irritated. The removal of visibly irritated skin tags is submitted to most insurances (Blue Cross Blue Shield does not allow insurance submission); removal of non-irritated lesions is elective.
What is the cost to remove the skin tags.
I have about 5 under each arm
about 5 on my neck
1 on right thigh
2 on left thigh
Assume insurance does not cover. What is estimated cost? How long procedure? All at once?
The fee to remove up to 15 tags is $120; each additional 10 incur $70. The total fee for 18 tags is therefore $190. Skin tag removal can be submitted to Personal Choice and Keystone Health Plan East yet all other insurances do not cover removal of asymptomatic skin tags.
U have one big skin tag on my face (cheek) how much would it be to remove
Removal could range between $110 and 130.
Which method of removal of skin tags causes the least amount of pain?
Scissor snip. It can be performed without anaesthesia, which can sting slightly, on most skin tags.
I have 3 skin tags in my left armpit area and one falls at my bra line so I want to get them removed. Can I make an appointment for a skin cancer screening and have this done at the same appointment? What is the cost to remove them?
Removal of 4 simple skin tags during a skin cancer screening should be quite feasible. However, if, as a result of the cancer screening, a biopsy or related procedure become necessary, skin tag removal might be scheduled at another date as a medically necessary procedure trumps an elective one.
Hello Doctor, We live near Wilkes Barre, Pa. My daughter is 28 and has scaring from acne on her forehead. This area is approx 2.5″ X 2″ above her left eye brow area . In addition. she has battled hair growth on her chin which is fairly heavy. Both of these things causes her great embarrassment. Do you think you can help with these problems and can you provide an approx cost. She does have Health Insurance but I’m sure it wouldn’t cover this type of treatment. Thank you for your consideration. Jeff Thomas
Ninety percent of hair on the chin is removed after 6 laser treatments. Our office charges $45 per treatment of the chin. The frequency of maintenance treatments depends on any underlying condition. If she has polycystic ovarian syndrome, she might need a maintenance treatment every 6 months. Acne scars also need several treatments for significant improvement and various approaches must be considered pending the type of scar the acne left behind. Our office charges $500 for each acne scar treatment, even though their market price in the cosmetic world would be multiples of that. Presence of severe acne that left scars and hair in an area that is not characteristic for women raises the possibility of polycystic ovarian syndrome and your daughter might need to be evaluated for this by an endocrinologist.
I have anal skin tags, would either of these procedures work for my situation?
Anal tags can be removed by scissor snip under local anaesthesia. GI surgeons are usually the specialists taking care of these.
How much does it usually cost to get anal tag removed? Also since there’s a lot nerves in the butt would the removal interfere with butt nerves
Removal of anal skin tag is comprised of consultation, removal itself, and analysis by the laboratory. Cost for consultation is $85, removal of a single anal skin tag is $125 and laboratory cost is about $135. Insurance submission is often possible.
What is the cost of removing an anal skin tag and best option for removal?
Anal tags are usually removed by a GI surgeon in an outpatient setting. You should be able to receive a price quote as part of your consultation with a GI surgeon.